The Anchor Inspector will support you and your employees at proceeding acceptance and suitability test on grouted anchors (method 1 acc. EN1537, EN 1997-1-1 respectively prEN ISO 22477-5:2016 and DIN SPEC 18537:2012)!
Which benefits can be offered by the App Anchor Inspector to your company?
Save of time and costs
• Automated preparation of digital test templates already on the PC
Prepare templates for the whole construction site within minutes, so your employees can focus on more important tasks!
• Send and receive the test templates by E-Mail
The printing of all test templates will not distract your employees from productive tasks anymore!
• Create the test reports as PDF on-site and in a matter of seconds
Your employees can safe and send the test report by E-Mail and switch to the next anchor test immediately!
Quality intensification
• Analysis of creep rates, apparent tendon free, length, etc in real-time
Your employees can react on noticeable problems during the test and in worst-case, they can abort the test before the anchor will be damaged!
• Clear graphical analysis
Show your clients and site supervisors that your employees work on high technical level and they do not leave something to chance!
• Consistent and uniform test reports
In your whole company only uniform looking test reports will be used!
• The basics of test analysis will stay always on the latest standards
At the moment, this is the EN 1537 (with prEN ISO 22477-5:2016 as well as DIN SPEC 18537:2012) - your employees will operate with the latest standard!
• Delete, add and adapt already defined load stages
Every anchor test proceeds different - react on different needs during the anchor test!
Raise your image
• The industry and economy will always develop further
Show your clients that you proceed anchor tests with one of the latest developments for anchor testing!